An invitation to use the phone cabins in Westgate, North Berwick

The ‘Telephone Exchange’ is a unique micro-gallery, located in the old phone cabins by the Post Office in Westgate, North Berwick. 

Telephone Exchange

Over the last five years, this community arts space has become a well-established feature of North Berwick’s townscape – enjoyed and appreciated by residents and visitors alike. It has attracted collaborations and engagement with a wide variety of local groups and individuals of all ages and it has also spawned a range of related activities, including arts workshops, painting memorial pebbles, writing inscriptions, decorating postcards, and so on.

The ‘Telephone-Exchange’ is managed by North Berwick Environment and Heritage Trust (NBEHT), with the cabins and the adjacent veranda leased from Royal Mail Group. We would like to invite other groups, local people and artists in the town to use this space for artistic or creative ventures and to raise awareness of local charities or activities. The cabins may also be used to support fundraising for local good causes. More information and guidelines for potential users can be downloaded here.

Please do get in touch by email if you would like to discuss a possible project in the phone cabins and/or on the veranda. Please write to Julia: or to NB Environment and Heritage Trust:


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